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Guitar Case

Guitar Case

 Guitar Case is an inventory iOS app to help guitarists keep track of their guitars, amps and effects.

The idea came from my developer friend, who is also an avid guitarist and he had problems with the upkeep of his gears. Guitarists and guitar collectors typically own more than 1 or 2 guitars. They also seems to own multiple amps and effects as well. We thought it would be nice for them to keep track of these gears, maybe in the future they could even share their set ups or collections with others.

We decided to band up under Impromptu Apps and work on projects together.

Impromptu App.jpg

We’ve only released the MVP :) It’s pretty trim but you can add your gear and set up reminders.


This the the empty state illustration I worked on for both light and dark mode.


Lottie animation for the empty state


We will wait for more user feedback to make adjustments for future releases. And of course, we will need to find the time in between our day jobs to do more iterations.